Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fox Guards the Henhouse with BigPharma Testing Itself

We’d love to hear what others think about BigPharma sponsoring studies about their own pharmaceuticals and thinking that this is going to generate quality information. The drug companies get slapped on the wrists when they get caught with their ethics in the grinder, but then it is forgotten by the general public. Here’s a story of interest from the “Hooked: Ethics, Medicine and Pharma” blog, which we’ll soon be featuring here in the middle column of PharmaWhistleblower website. Stay tuned in, and please share your thoughts.

Check it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do I think about Big Pharma fraud, I'll tell you. These people create illness and then wrap a "cure" around it with a price tag that the health insurance companies double. Preventing Pharmaceutical fraud should be something that campaigns are based on because I for one would vote for anyone who stops the pharmacey companies from ripping us off and killing us.